Echo Hills Church of Christ

For Our Members

Welcome Echo Hills

Through our Church Center app, members have access to the directory (through invitation), groups and classes, event registrations, and more. While most all of Church Center is available on the web, the easiest way to navigate this information and stay informed is through the app. Download it today!

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Our Family Echo Hills membership directory

Access the online directory for our Echo Hills family. You will have to sign in to Church Center (the password you used in the app) and have been invited to the directory to see anyone else.


Event Registrations Family event and activity signups

Check the following page for any active event registrations and sign-ups.


Benevolence Committee

Group providing necessities to those in our community like food and clothing.


Missions Committee

Group that supports our mission efforts abroad and locally.


Ladies Class

This group primarily meets on Wednesday nights, but also monthly bible studies.


Mens Class

Also primarily meets on Wednesday nights, but also monthly bible studies.


Giving back to
spread the word.

Your generous contribution helps us fund our missions going into our community, into the world, and spread the good news.

Hours & Address

Sundays at 10:15 am

1106 Campbell Road, Goodlettsville, TN 37072
